Thursday 17 April 2014

After School Club

My after school club - Took over from ex VSO volunteer. These children are local children some are children of our workers i.e. Night guards, house-keeper etc. Parents cannot always afford to send these children to school. Primary education is free however, secondary education is not & many low earners simply can't afford to send  their children to school. I devote Wednesday afternoon after work & Saturdays to support these children.  Herman, exVSO volunteer has done a great job with them.

Village Sunday Church Service

Worship team

Joe delivering his teaching (A Joyce Meyer fan)

Worhsip the Lord

After Service

Pastor Alex (in suit) with Bernard, church Stewart

End of service greetings

Inspiring the Youth of Malawi

The theme of talk 'Be what you are"
After talk celebration

Group photo with youth & their Pastor

Let the party begin

Many of these youths are drop out from school, unemployed and young mothers.

My Humility Quilt - A Reflection of Self & Life in Malawi

PSALM 25: V 9
“He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way”.
This humility quilt was made out of love and passion during my placement in Malawi and during a turning point in my life, a time of sacrifice and waiting on God.
Each stitch is sewn by hand represents ‘Pure Love, Agape Love’.
The essence of this humility quilt is to bring whosoever comes into contact with this quilt the desires she/he is looking  for in  life;- Love; Peace; Freedom & Liberty;  Nobility ; Hope; Charity; The Heart; Happiness; Joy; Virtues; Tenderness; Healing (of Mind, Body & Soul); Humility of heart; Heart filled with love; Kindness; Home; Marriage; Motherhood; Family; Love for the family; Parenthood; Children; Fatherhood; Love for our children; Love for our family; birth; new life; Friendship; Gentleness; Humility; Humility of heart; Dignity; Attitudes; Integrity; Moral; Sincerity; Humbleness; Wisdom; Discernment; Knowledge;  Graciousness; Passion; Completeness; To be worthy of each other; To love & To feel loved; to love back; To fall in love; To be fulfilled; Fulfillment; Light; Fairness; Strength; Courage & boldness; Woman & Man of honour; To be honourable; Security; Warmth; Vision; Positive attributes; Education; Honesty; Truth; Trust; Faithfulness; Fragrance; Vibrancy; Loyalty; Guidance; Embrace; Good news; Accomplishment; abundance; Legacy; Riches; Wealth; creativity; Exquisite; Sense; enthusiasm; sing; To compliment; Understanding; Prosperity; Patience; Wholeness; Appreciation of heart, mind, body & spirit; Protection; comfort; Comfort to the distressed in body, soul & in spirit; Grace, Gratitude, Prayer; Gifts, Blessings, sacrifice; Salvation; Show mercy; Have mercy; Harmony; Fruitfulness; Togetherness; Country; World; Mankind; Laughter; Humour; Desires of the Heart; togetherness; Forgiveness; Reconciliation; Restore relationship(s); Sincerity; Fondness; Faith; Faith In God; Celebration of Life; Thanksgiving; Praise; Worship; The Saints; Angels; The Blood; The Spirit of God to dwell within us.
Catherine Sekwalor 16.1.2014 Lilongwe, Malawi


This quilt was from onset one of the things I wanted to do while in Malawi. I wanted to create an African theme quilt and with fabrics bought from home together with local Malawian fabric I was able to do just that. Initially started off as a perfect quilt and for some reason it started to take its own form and shape & decided to go with the flow.  It is my humility quilt, hand stitched. It captures everything about Malawi, a personal journey, my faith and walk with God, family & love etc.

Friday 11 April 2014

Safe Motherhood Initiative Launch December 2013

The Vice-President of Malawi opening speech (SMI)

Group photo with the Vice-President of Malawi

With presentatives of Ministry of Gender, VSO, & Nurses Union

With my Norwegian friend & ex neighbour  - representing the Norwegian Embassy
Safe Motherhood Inititative (SMI) is part of the Millennim Development Goal 5 (MGD5) reducing maternal deaths in Malawi. The prevalence of the maternal death rate in Malawi is high. The SMI  launch highlighted the work already in progress in Malawi.